Report Marine Field Trip In Dutungan Island And Paputo Beach


This is my first blog, so if there any mistakes please forgive me, today I would like to share my field trip experience at “Dutungan Island” at Barru Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This is the 5th field trip since I studied at Poltekpar Makassar.

On 4th October 2019 we are gathering at Orange Building at Makassar Tourism Polytechnic and then the tour leader ensure that all participant attend the tour then the tour leader checking the luggage of participant. After that we are heading to Tanjung Indah dock in Barru regency and from Tanjung indah dock we are heading to Dutungan island by boat, while we are on the bus each student will  guiding about each regency and city that we passed. After arrived at Dutungan island, the instructor give us instruction about diving equipment. After the instruction, all participant prepare for lunch and midday prayer for moslem.

Dutungan Island

 And then we are diving and snorkeling and enjoying the beautiful underwater scenery of Dutungan island. This is my first time doing diving and snorkeling and I really enjoy it although I can’t swim because the instructor dive with me. After satisfied diving and snorkeling we are heading to hotel Delima Sari in Parepare City. 

Delima Sari Hotel

Arrive at hotel Delima Sari in Parepare City we are check in at the Receptionist and get the room key. After thet we prepare for dinner at local restaurant at “Ayam Penyet Ria” in Parepare City. The restaurant located near the hotel and after dinner we are doing presentation about Dutungan Islan, Safety and Secure, and how to handle group of marine tour and continue with entertainment. And then overnight at hotel.

On the second day 5th October 2019, in the morning all the participant gather for morning exercise, while we are exercise we are walked to True Love monument of Habibie & Ainun. After that we are back to the hotel and breakfast. Then  after breakfast we are check out from hotel Delima Sari at Parepare City and heading to Paputo beach, the name of Paputo was taken from the short of Pasir Putih Tonrangeng. Arrive at Paputo beach at Parepare City we are start the observation. And after the observation we are heading to Teras empang restaurant in Parepare City for Lunch. All the Participant prepare for lunch and take a pray (Dzuhur). After lunch, we are directly back to Makassar tourism Polytechnic.
Teras Empang

Well, i think that’s my experience of marine field trip at Dutungan Island in Barru regency that i  can explain today. See you in the next blog with another field trip experience.

Au revoir....


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